Our first child is due in November, I've got to keep some of these games in mind!

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The timing of this is extremely funny because my son just started playing Forespoken, and the first thing he told me about it is “boy they sure do like saying ‘fuck’ a lot for no reason in this game.”

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Spelunky Daily Challenge came to mind right away because, similar to Wordle, any number of people can participate anytime during their day and it's fun to compare your runs, scores, and silly deaths.

The other fun asynchronous bit is that if you play after your friends, you'll see the spot where they died in your own run!

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Seeing that many of your asynchronous game suggestions are board game adjacent: Board Game Arena has a huge number of games, many of them free. Some implementations work better than others, especially asynchronously, but that feature is basically built into all of them. Most of the dedicated apps I've found to be pretty inconsistent, especially in notifying players when it's their turn.

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Paperback and Potion Explosion come to mind as great asynchronous iOS games my wife and I played a lot together from separate rooms while putting kids to sleep. I think Board Game Arena has asynchronous play for some of the games available, and the site works great in a mobile browser.

On the topic of not-kids-game games, all three of my kids (10, 6, and 3) enjoy the Spider-man games on different levels. The oldest has 100% completed both games. The middle child likes collecting the backpacks and can handle most of the early fights, and the youngest loves just holding down the right trigger and swinging around the city, which is the same thing my oldest used to do when it first came out years ago.

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I enjoyed these questions! I don't normally care about typos, but "bowels of popcorn" is a great image.

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Lol fixed now; or maybe I was dreaming

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You were not, but it was a very good typo.

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