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My wife (8) and daughter played Blanc together. At one point your pair of animals are guiding a pair of goats and one of them falls. For a moment you think oh no, the goat died! But you run around and find it down in the snow below you. It's ok, but it's scared, and the sibling gets angry at -you- because it was hurt. My daughter had a really hard time with that part, both because the animal got hurt and because the goat was so mad at the pair. It sat with her for a long time.

She's a pretty sensitive kid in general so we have to be careful what we play. We do a lot of investigating ahead of time before letting her dive in. Blanc was one we all saw on a Nindie Direct and she just couldn't wait for it so we let our guard down a bit. Her next big awaited game is Little Kitty Big City, though, so I think that one should be pretty safe.

Side note about Pixel: I remember you mentioning her on the Bombcast way back, and I'm guessing she's a similar age as our Chihuahua Wrex. Yes, named after Urdnot Wrex, because at 15 pounds with no fat on him he's a true unit.

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