Love seeing examples like this where gaming is used to support a different activity!

Exergames have been around for a while, but a lot of them "gamify" the activity instead of making it an actual game. I hope more developers will follow suit!

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Maybe a better topic for Remap, but I was surprised at you being upset with a lack of post launch updates. The more Nintendo-centric communities I hang out in generally are happy that Nintendo “releases complete games instead of fixing them with a long tail of updates”. I’m also aware it’s welcome with physical purchasers who like the game on the cart being the finished thing. Sounds like Ring Fit doesn’t feel complete?

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Ring Fit is a very complete game, and they definitely added stuff to it after launch like the rhythm minigame.

Since it's meant to be something you engage with daily, I do wish they put some post-launch support to adding more exercises or other ways of mixing it up as you go.

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I'm mostly in Travis' camp. The way most exercise relationships work these days is ongoing, with hooks to keep you interested/remixing your routine.

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