I've gone a different route recently. I just hand my daughter the controller (or M&K) and let her go nuts. I need to get my younger one involved in the same way.
My oldest was pretty young when Elden Ring came out. That character is not her best work, and my 100+ hour save will always and forever be named Gloob Glub.
I'm tempted to use my kid's name, but my normally very rational-seeming mind would worry too much about the bad juju from bad things happening to my kid's namesake.
My daughter is usually copilot for character creators but I rarely spend more than 10 minutes on one. As soon as she is satisfied, we're done. That said, I LOVE how many games have simple quality of life features like being able to change my look FOR FREE at any point from the "home base" - I might like the face tattoo for the first hour but then it gets weird, and I loved when BG3 simply let me change this at camp. I love Mass Effect to death, but nothing is worse than accidentally making a dopey looking Shepard and being too far into the narrative to turn back. So if my daughter's interest in watching me play falls off, I'm now free to change the dumb hairstyle she made me pick! Everyone wins!
I have a new daughter (one that is actually named after a video game character) and usually I make a character I've made for all games and I like to imagine that all these things have happened to one individual, much like Grant Morrison's Batman run.
But for Veilguard, because that character is already in the world, I created an amalgamation of a name between my wife and daughter's names. Now that will be the name going forward if I play as a woman, which I find exciting!
I went a very similar way to you. My son’s middle name is Percival, so my RPG characters will either be named Percy or after my daughter’s middle name Lotta. Lotta was so proud at the age of 4 when a blond haired Knight with her name roamed the lands between in Elden Ring.
I have two daughters, and if I combine their names into a portmanteau, it becomes a gender neutral name. So now it's the exclusive name I use for character creators. It has made naming characters so much easier and it comes with the added bonus of making me smile every time my character's name comes on screen
Creating avatars of either real life people you know or don't even know, like famous people, or YouTube personalities. And then giving them that name too of course, is a great way to enjoy the process. Just try to think of someone who sounds like the voice actor roughly, or s*** recreate the real life voice actor. Or think of who would be the absolute stupidest to have in the middle of this game. So yeah there you go enjoy your character creation process from now on 😁
I've gone a different route recently. I just hand my daughter the controller (or M&K) and let her go nuts. I need to get my younger one involved in the same way.
My oldest was pretty young when Elden Ring came out. That character is not her best work, and my 100+ hour save will always and forever be named Gloob Glub.
Oh, I *love* this idea. I'm going to try this next time.
It does cause a 30–45 minute delay in actually starting a new game with my kid. So plan accordingly.
Not gonna lie, that's an amazing name. Congrats.
Definitely has more staying power than whatever "lore appropriate" name I could've come up with.
Clearly you were channeling Pam Grier, specifically in her role as the inimitable Jackie Brown, still Taratino's best film (by a lot!).
I'm tempted to use my kid's name, but my normally very rational-seeming mind would worry too much about the bad juju from bad things happening to my kid's namesake.
My daughter is usually copilot for character creators but I rarely spend more than 10 minutes on one. As soon as she is satisfied, we're done. That said, I LOVE how many games have simple quality of life features like being able to change my look FOR FREE at any point from the "home base" - I might like the face tattoo for the first hour but then it gets weird, and I loved when BG3 simply let me change this at camp. I love Mass Effect to death, but nothing is worse than accidentally making a dopey looking Shepard and being too far into the narrative to turn back. So if my daughter's interest in watching me play falls off, I'm now free to change the dumb hairstyle she made me pick! Everyone wins!
I have a new daughter (one that is actually named after a video game character) and usually I make a character I've made for all games and I like to imagine that all these things have happened to one individual, much like Grant Morrison's Batman run.
But for Veilguard, because that character is already in the world, I created an amalgamation of a name between my wife and daughter's names. Now that will be the name going forward if I play as a woman, which I find exciting!
I went a very similar way to you. My son’s middle name is Percival, so my RPG characters will either be named Percy or after my daughter’s middle name Lotta. Lotta was so proud at the age of 4 when a blond haired Knight with her name roamed the lands between in Elden Ring.
I have two daughters, and if I combine their names into a portmanteau, it becomes a gender neutral name. So now it's the exclusive name I use for character creators. It has made naming characters so much easier and it comes with the added bonus of making me smile every time my character's name comes on screen
Creating avatars of either real life people you know or don't even know, like famous people, or YouTube personalities. And then giving them that name too of course, is a great way to enjoy the process. Just try to think of someone who sounds like the voice actor roughly, or s*** recreate the real life voice actor. Or think of who would be the absolute stupidest to have in the middle of this game. So yeah there you go enjoy your character creation process from now on 😁