This was a lovely piece to read, though simultaneously heart-breaking. Our 20 month old is announcing more and more where they'd like to go, things to do or play. I can only imagine how explaining they can't play your game feels. Hoping in the not so distant future you'll be able to share something new with them. Wish you all the best
Thank you for sharing your piece. It really is a great insight and ultimately a damn shame. Hopefully your next project is something you can share with your kids too.
the idea of the game sounded n looked neat far as i can see , such a damn shame honestly :/ i hope you land on your feet quickly and you can still get the joy you were hoping for in your next project.
This was a really nice piece of writing. I know some other folks impacted by this somewhat inexplicable decision and it sounds like the game would have been really special.
I'm so tired of this recent trend of cancelling things at the last minute before release. I hate to imagine how it must feel to be in this situation. Being laid off is bad enough, but to also lose a creative project you've been working so long and hard on adds an extra layer of pain. From what little I've seen of Project Dragon, it would have been right up my alley, and now I'm sad it's gone
Here's hoping whatever you do next is a massive success
This was a lovely piece to read, though simultaneously heart-breaking. Our 20 month old is announcing more and more where they'd like to go, things to do or play. I can only imagine how explaining they can't play your game feels. Hoping in the not so distant future you'll be able to share something new with them. Wish you all the best
Thank you for sharing your piece. It really is a great insight and ultimately a damn shame. Hopefully your next project is something you can share with your kids too.
I hope so too! Thanks so much for reading
the idea of the game sounded n looked neat far as i can see , such a damn shame honestly :/ i hope you land on your feet quickly and you can still get the joy you were hoping for in your next project.
This was a really nice piece of writing. I know some other folks impacted by this somewhat inexplicable decision and it sounds like the game would have been really special.
Thanks very much! It's not my usual writing format so I hope it all comes across :)
I'm so tired of this recent trend of cancelling things at the last minute before release. I hate to imagine how it must feel to be in this situation. Being laid off is bad enough, but to also lose a creative project you've been working so long and hard on adds an extra layer of pain. From what little I've seen of Project Dragon, it would have been right up my alley, and now I'm sad it's gone
Here's hoping whatever you do next is a massive success