Congratulations on launching Crossplay, Patrick!

I have two kids the same ages as yours, and had often considered how and when to introduce games. I bought the NES and SNES mini consoles a few years back with the intention of one day introducing the classics! But before I ever could, my son discovered Mario let's plays on YouTube, and quickly became hooked. Then came the discovery that daddy *has* a Switch, and before you know it, he's on the way to 999 moons in Odyssey (Assist mode helping!). It's fun to share this with him, but definitely worrying at times, we've had to have a few detox time outs after too many play sessions.

So all that is to say, I enjoyed your articles at Vice, and look forward to reading here. All the best!

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Thank you for the support!

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Glad to see you and the rest of the waypoint team breaking out on your own. I dearly hope this works out for you and allows you to be independent and secure going forward!

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Thank you. So far, so good. I'm really excited about the future.

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As someone who’s weeks (days?) away from welcoming my first, this couldn’t be timed better. Excited to see where this goes!

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Whoa, congrats in advance! You're gonna love it.

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I'm looking forward to sharing this newsletter with my family. No kids here but everyone else in my group are just starting or hitting their mid-30's with little ones running around. They can really use a helping hand to navigating a world that they're too old to explore but their kids are going to be pulled into in anycase.

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That sounds fantastic. Thank you for thinking of sharing it!

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Just subscribed (love the channel name btw)! I also started my own page called The Non Playable Blogger. It's cool to see parents still gaming and inviting their kids to grow a passion for it too. I'm 27 and don't have any children of my own, but I'm sure it will be a fun and interesting experience. As a parent I can only imagine all the added hoops and stresses of your children gaming online can create. I added you as a recommendation :)

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I'm very excited for the future of Crossplay! I have three kids, 3, 6, and 10, and they're all playing video games of some kind. I'm one of the listeners that is always stoked to hear dad talk on the giant bomb, waypoint/remap, nextlander, and gerstmann podcasts

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This is such a perfect thing to me as (a) a subscriber to many (too many?) Substacks, (b) a parent of 7-year-old twins, and (c) a long-time fan of your work. (We even podcasted a few times together way back when I was working on Bitmob with Shoe and Demian!) Best of luck and I look forward to seeing you in my inbox on the regular!

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I remember Brett from Bitmob! (I think you accepted my piece on Bit.Trip Runner, perhaps?)

Congrats on the twins. My two boys, 4 and 6, have 7-year-old twin cousins. Hoo boy.

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I have 2 kids, 5 and 3 and I might support after the oldest is out of daycare. I plan on supporting remap almost immediately after the end of waypoint. While I'm not rocking the Kirkland sweatshirt. Costco forever.

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So grateful for this newsletter. My wife and I are expecting in September and despite having a while before they’ll be at the gaming age I’m already stressed and excited about introducing them to it.

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Congrats in advance!

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Congratulations on Crossplay! I’m excited about this, with our first on the way and a few friends welcoming children into their families as well, this feels like the perfect way to connect with friends and children. Thank you for your great work, I hope this is a resounding success for you and your readers.

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I'm very excited about the future, thanks to folks like you!

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