Thanks for the thoughts on Mario Party with the family, I have been wondering if I buy this new Jamboree game will it tear my family apart? So I look forward to hearing about your experience!
I am curious how Mario Party Jamboree compares to the mini games in Kirby's Return to Dreamland? My kids love those mini games and they all seem pre…
Thanks for the thoughts on Mario Party with the family, I have been wondering if I buy this new Jamboree game will it tear my family apart? So I look forward to hearing about your experience!
I am curious how Mario Party Jamboree compares to the mini games in Kirby's Return to Dreamland? My kids love those mini games and they all seem pretty fair and have different difficulty settings. My kids are 8, 6 and 3 and they have never come to blows playing a Kirby mini-game. Theoretically they should also love Mario Party but I have heard some horror stories about the rubberbanding AI.
Thanks for the thoughts on Mario Party with the family, I have been wondering if I buy this new Jamboree game will it tear my family apart? So I look forward to hearing about your experience!
I am curious how Mario Party Jamboree compares to the mini games in Kirby's Return to Dreamland? My kids love those mini games and they all seem pretty fair and have different difficulty settings. My kids are 8, 6 and 3 and they have never come to blows playing a Kirby mini-game. Theoretically they should also love Mario Party but I have heard some horror stories about the rubberbanding AI.
I'll have to report back and let you know. We ran out of time this weekend to give it a go.