Bluey is on Game Pass now! My 8 year old has already 'beat' the handful of episodes that make up the story, and is pretty proud she beat a game before Dad could for once!

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Is there any way to re-up my annual subscription early to take advantage of the discount? (Even up here in Canada, medical school is expensive with two kids to feed...)

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I don't think so, but if money is tight, hit me up with an email later.

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Got to start kids on Dragon's Dogma early, how else will they learn that wolves hunt in packs?

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Absolutely looking forward to the new Battlefront re-release. That game was my childhood and I am so curious how well it holds up.

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I don't know if this is the place for this comment, but I have to tell someone about this. Ubisoft dropped a new game out of nowhere last week on phones called Rainbow Six: SMOL, which is some of the most adorable copaganda I've ever seen. The Rainbow team gets magically transported to an Adventure Time-like realm where they have to establish a base and fight terrorists that were also teleported there for some reason. The half hour or so I spent with the game honestly seems pretty solid. It's free* with a Netflix suscription.

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No worries! I think Memberful supports it, so I figured I'd ask!

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